
Decubitus wounds: How to master effective treatment methods for any severity level

Decubitus wounds are a serious complication that can occur in many patients. They can lead to pain, infection and even death. However, there are effective treatment methods for each severity of these wounds that can help you overcome this challenge. In this blog, we'll show you how to use these methods successfully and what steps you should take for optimal pressure ulcer wound care.

What are decubitus wounds?

Pressure sores, also known as pressure ulcers or bedsores, are open wounds on the body caused by uneven weight distribution. They occur when a person stays in the same position for a long time or when heavy pressure is applied to certain parts of the body. They can occur in places where bones are close to the surface (for example, knees, elbows or shoulder blades). The wound can develop into a deeper ulcer and become infected.

It is important to identify early if someone is at risk of developing a pressure ulcer. If action is taken in time, further damage can be prevented and the person can be made more comfortable. You should therefore try to find out which treatment methods are best for your specific problem. Some treatment options include Dietary changes, a relief bed with an air mattress and regular changes of position. There are also many other options, such as medical clothing and shin splints, as well as specially designed pillow systems.

When treating pressure ulcers, it is important that patients use the correct care products and monitor the healing process. In this way, effective treatment can be achieved for any level of severity.

Why is it important to treat a pressure sore?

A pressure ulcer can cause serious complications if it is not treated properly. This is because the pressure on the affected area restricts blood flow and damages the surrounding tissue. This can lead to the formation of wounds that deteriorate quickly and can even spread to the bone.

But it's not just about the patient's pain and suffering. If left untreated, pressure ulcers can lead to infection and even become life-threatening. It is therefore vital that any stage of a pressure ulcer is identified as early as possible and treated effectively.

Pressure ulcer care should always be tailored to the individual patient, using a combination of methods to ensure rapid healing. This includes regular repositioning, skin care, special dressing materials and, in some cases, surgical intervention.

Overall, it is important that a pressure ulcer is taken seriously and treated early. This is the only way to prevent the patient's condition from worsening and potentially leading to life-threatening complications.

What are the treatment options for mild and moderate wounds?

When it comes to treating minor and moderate wounds, choosing the right method is crucial. One of the most effective options is the use of advanced wound dressings. These can help relieve pain, reduce the risk of infection and speed up healing.

For minor wounds, a simple sterile compress or plaster may be sufficient. These should be changed regularly to keep the wound clean and dry. For moderate wounds, a special hydrogel or ointment may be used to help the healing process.

Another way to treat mild to moderate wounds is to use compression bandages. These can help reduce swelling and inflammation and improve blood flow to the affected area.

In all cases, it is important to see a doctor regularly to make sure that the wound is being treated properly and that no complications occur. With the right methods and careful care, mild to moderate wounds can heal quickly and the risk of complications can be minimised.

How can severe pressure ulcers be treated effectively?

Severe pressure ulcers are a major challenge for both patients and healthcare professionals. Effective treatment that supports wound healing and minimises the risk of complications is therefore essential.

The first step in successfully treating a severe pressure ulcer is to identify the causes of the wound. This may involve changing the patient's position in bed or adjusting prevention strategies to prevent further injury. It is then important to clean the wound with antiseptic solutions and uncover the wound to allow it to breathe. The wound should also be washed regularly to prevent infection and remove areas of inflammation.

Once this has been done, a personalised treatment plan needs to be drawn up. This usually includes the administration of antibiotics and treatment of the wound with specially designed irradiation plates or pads. The patient should also be given pain relief. In more advanced cases, surgery may be needed to repair tissue damage and prevent scarring.

All of these measures need to be applied in relation to the severity of the pressure ulcer to ensure the best treatment for the patient. With the right methods, severe pressure ulcers can be treated effectively and the healing process accelerated - giving you the best possible support as you care for yourself.

PATHELEN® Hybrid is the solution for decubitus wounds

A PATHELEN® Hybrid treatment is the first one-step solution to effectively remove biofilm from pressure ulcer wounds.

PATHELEN® Hybrid is a wound therapy for pressure ulcers that contains both hydrophilic and hydrophobic silicas. The extremely large surface structure of the silicas (1 bottle of Pathelen Hybrid contains 2g with a surface area of approximately 600m2) creates an extremely high capillary effect for the adsorption of biofilm, wound exudate, toxins and pathogens. This ensures rapid and efficient physical wound cleansing in the management of pressure ulcers.

Tips and tricks for the effective treatment of a pressure ulcer wound

Pressure ulcers can have serious consequences if not treated properly. This is why it is important that you, as a carer, provide the best possible treatment for each level of pressure ulcer severity. To help you find the most effective treatment, we have put together some tips and tricks:

  1. Create a personalised treatment plan: It is important that you create a treatment plan based on the specific needs of the patient. This plan should include details of the condition of the wound and recommendations for optimal care.
  2. Identify the cause: To ensure that your treatment is effective, you need to identify the cause of the pressure ulcer. A possible cause may be pressure on certain parts of the body or temporary immobility of the patient.
  3. Develop a behavioural intervention: Behavioural interventions can help reduce pressure on affected areas of the body to aid healing. This includes regularly repositioning the patient, as well as training in healthy eating and hygiene.
  4. Use modern technology: Modern technology, such as wet wipes or special mattress covers, can help pressure ulcers heal faster and prevent complications.
  5. Consider alternative therapies: Alternative therapies such as acupuncture or laser therapy can help treat pressure ulcers and speed healing.

By following these tips, you as a nurse can ensure effective treatment for any level of pressure ulcer severity, helping the patient to recover as quickly as possible.


Thanks to PATHELEN® Hybrid treatment, you can now easily reduce the serious consequences of pressure ulcers with minimal effort. The solution allows you to optimally care for and treat the wound, especially in more severe cases with high biofilm accumulation. 

Check out our blog for more articles on this topic to learn more about eliminating biofilm with PATHELEN® Hybrid Treatment.

The solution against biofilm

PATHELEN® Hybrid is the first one-step solution for the efficient removal of biofilm.

PATHELEN® Hybrid is a wound therapy containing both hydrophilic and hydrophobic silica. The extra large surface structure of the silica (1 bottle of Pathelen Hybrid contains 2g with a surface area of approx. 600 m²) generates an extra high capillary action for the adsorption of biofilm, wound exudate, toxins and pathogenic germs. This ensures fast and efficient physical wound cleaning.

PATHELEN® Hybrid is a medical device class I registered with SWISSMEDIC and US FDA.
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